Andrea Herstowski
office hours by appointment
Google Drive
Deliverables (bookmark it)
Monday, April 1
Wednesday, April 3
Monday, April 8
Wednesday, April 10
Monday, April 15
Wednesday, April 17
Monday, April 22
Wednesday, April 24
Monday, April 29
Wednesday, May 1
Tuesday, May 7
Sophomore/Second-Year Review
Tuesday, May 7
All work from VISC 202, VISC 204, VISC 302, VISC 304 must be hung on the walls/set on tables by 9:00am, sharp. More information will be provided closer to the date. Make sure you have all the projects as you handed them in, including any process books.
If a project or process book were handed in digitally, you do not need print
Monday, April 22
Discuss Digital Campaign
Speaker and Schedule hierarchy studies
Phase One of Website or Brochure
Speaker Bumper Phase One
*Send workbook off to LULU this week if you want it for the Review
Refine and expand Digital Campaign (how can you display it for the final)
Identity Badges: explore 3 different badges, 3 different ways. *explore design options
Swag: ideas (no making just thinking on what would make sense? and be cool?)
Website or Brochure: Phase Two
Speaker Bumper: Phase Two
Simple Animations | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Digital Campaign
Considerations: Ensure that the text aligns seamlessly with the event experience. You can animate or have a series of screens if that helps engage your audience and enhance the experience. This maybe the opportunity to include imagery - incorporate supportive images to enrich the overall experience. Final includes how to show off the campaign on 11 x 17 portfolio page and how to show it on behance.
Taking what you have done for your digital campaign how can that transition to Directional Signage, Stage Graphics, Billboard Horizontal or Bus Graphic, ect. You decide what your conference needs pick a couple formats, outdoor signage, indoor, stage graphics...

Identity Badge(s)
+ 3 different designs...
Design a badge for a
an Attendee,
and a Volunteer
What is the purpose of the badge? What are the differences between the three?

Speaker Intro
A Speaker Bumper (Introduce the speaker): Speaker Name, Title of the talk and a quote, phrase, or series of words...
Screen-based media offers the flexibility to integrate moving graphics, text, and sound, forming a dynamic visual communication platform closely intertwined with storytelling. Develop a concept enabling your brand to convey its values through animated gestures, transitions, rhythm, and messaging. While maintaining focus on function, form, aesthetics, composition, and meaning, emphasize the ability to sequence narrative and storytelling within speaker bumper piece.
What content could you include when introducing your speaker? Sound? Talking or Music/Sounds.
Create a storyboard with 6 - 9 images. When designing think about HOW one image will transition to the next. Looking your kinetic system how could it translate to introduce a speaker. Create 2- 3 different storyboards, exploration. here is the illustrator template.
Phase Two: Refine 1 storyboard direction and start to plan out transitions. How does one frame transition to the next? How does content come on to the screen and/or off screen. Increase the number of frames from 6 - 9 to 12-15 frames. If you didn’t do Phase One go back and do it before you move to phase two!
Website or Brochure: Phase Two
Swag: ideas (no making just thinking on what would make sense? and be cool?)