Andrea Herstowski
office hours by appointment

Google Drive

Deliverables (bookmark it)

Monday, April 1
Wednesday, April 3
Monday, April 8
Wednesday, April 10
Monday, April 15
Wednesday, April 17
Monday, April 22
Wednesday, April 24
Monday, April 29
Wednesday, May 1
Tuesday, May 7

Sophomore/Second-Year Review
Tuesday, May 7 
All work from VISC 202, VISC 204, VISC 302, VISC 304 must be hung on the walls/set on tables by 9:00am, sharp. More information will be provided closer to the date. Make sure you have all the projects as you handed them in, including any process books.

If a project or process book were handed in digitally, you do not need print

Tuesday, May 7 

All the final deliverables are composed onto a

Final Deliverables for Conference project

11 x 17
5 pages (no more than 8)

Design a series of 11 x 17 pages to present showcasing your final deliverables in a format you would use when interviewing for an internship. Use at least 5 pages (and no more than 8 pages). The “portfolio” should include: Conference Name, Tagline, short paragraph, program (selected pages from the program) or website (with 1 responsive screen), digital campaign all 4 proportions (if animated show 3 screens), Speaker Intro (at least 6 frames), at least 1 experience (super graphic), at least 1 swag item and any toolkit parts you want to include. Think about how you would present this to a professional in an interview.

Print out and pin-up all 11 x 17 portfolio pages for the Review on Tuesday, May 7.

In addition to the printed poster submit all your dital assets to the final folder on the google drive.
1. Yourname_ProjectPortfolio.pdf
2. Yourname_ProcessBook.pdf
3. Yourname_Program.pdf (or) Yourname_Website.pdf (showing your interaction)
3. Yourname_SpeakerIntro (All animations as gif or mp4 or .mov)

4. Behance Post, Thursday, May 9 by 5pm
Post all work to Behance and the Behance Post (include motion). Behance post due Thursday, May 9 by 5pm, giving you extra time to post your project on Behance. It is late or not public by 5pm your grade will drop 1 full letter grade. Get it done you have time to work on it after the Review. DM me on Slack for 1 round of feedback if you are intersted in feedback :) How can you showcase all your work final deliverables, animation, gifs, link to process book.

Behance post examples: students :: professionals