Andrea Herstowski
office hours by appointment
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Deliverables (bookmark it)
Monday, April 1
Wednesday, April 3
Monday, April 8
Wednesday, April 10
Monday, April 15
Wednesday, April 17
Monday, April 22
Wednesday, April 24
Monday, April 29
Wednesday, May 1
Tuesday, May 7
Sophomore/Second-Year Review
Tuesday, May 7
All work from VISC 202, VISC 204, VISC 302, VISC 304 must be hung on the walls/set on tables by 9:00am, sharp. More information will be provided closer to the date. Make sure you have all the projects as you handed them in, including any process books.
If a project or process book were handed in digitally, you do not need print
Conference Program/ Brochure
+ minimum page count 8pg, minimum page size 5 x 8The conference brochure or program containings information about the conference what it is, when, location, schedule, information about the speakers (name, credentials, title of the talk, description and TIME of the talks), activities or workshops, map of the conference center or map to local resaurants ect. Attendees use it during the conference and often keep it as a keepsake. Your Program can be longer than 8pg but you are only responsible for design 8 pages (for example if you want every speaker to have a spread or 2 speakers per spread we only need to see it once to get the idea)
Design a printed printed program min of 8 pages that attendees can reference during the conference and take home with them (if pages are repetitive we don’t need to see all pages just an example, creating a template, discusss in class.)
8pg (or more, multiples of 4)
minimum page size 5 x 8 inches
Start looking at all the content that needs to go in a conference brochure and test out some formats make a plan on how you would layout the content, what additional content would make sense to add to something that attendees carry around and refer to. Minimum page size is 5x8. What content goes on what pages. you should have a different plan for each of the formats.
To get some inspiration on the flow of content | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Content Collection, Format Exploration + Thumbnail
Define all the content that could go into a brochure. What are the opportunities to make the brochure a resource or keepsake?
a) location and dates
b) schedule what happens and the times for the 2 day conference.
c) pull together the content: speaker info (speakers name, speaker credentials, title of the talk, time of the talk, paragraph about the talk, photo of the speaker is optional)
d) what else?
e) what are the benefits of a printed piece?
Use REAL information do not use place holder information start with using real info from the beginning.

Format Exploration: Explore a 2 - 3 different formats your brochure could take (physical mockups). Make a paper dummy. Remember in PRINT you need to work in pages of 4. 4 page brochure, 8 page, 12 page etc.) No content you are just looking at form. How does the size feel and work in your hand? Do not make it smaller thhan 5 x 8
Thumbnail. Looking at all the content that needs to go in a conference brochure and looking at your formats (tall, retangle, square) make a plan on how you would layout the content. Rought plan on what content goes on what pages. SEE this pdf for an idea -- doesn't mean you have to layout the content this way! I just am giving you an example. Other brochures to get some inspiration on the flow of content 1 | 2 | 3 |
Design Exploration
Testing out the kinetic system on the cover and how you treat headlines, subheads, text, ect.
Cover. Determine what content should be on the cover/backcover. Select a format and looking at your kinetic design ideas create 3 - 6 different cover/backcover ideas.
Schedule. With particular care towards clear hierarchy create 2-3 different schedule designs. Who What When.
Speaker information. How many speakers you put on a spread or page. How would you design it? Reminder: you have to include the speakers name, title of the talk, time of the talk, and paragraph about the talk, photo of the speaker is optional.
Use REAL information: real names, city, bio... you can use random headshots if you want them all to match more than what you actually have)
Use/Expand your kinetic system to work for what you need.
Use a grid.
Don't forget about SCALE, contrast and hierarchy.
Print, trim and fold for feedback.
Add digital files to your process book.
Pick best design, create variations and refine build out all 8 pages. *create template for other pages you don’t need all.
Print, trim and fold for feedback.
Add digital files to your process book.
Looking at all the typographic details (typographic styles, type sizes, leading, dashes, quotes, kerning, etc), Design principles of scale, contrast, tension.