Typographic Workbook

Typographic Systems
4 weeks
25% of final grade
Creativity and Discipline


Google Drive

Fonts by Classification

Zoom Link

VIDEOS from Class or Demos

REFERENCE (use it)
Mac is Not a Typewriter (pdf)
Practical Typography by Matthew Butterick
Fontology by Fonts.com
Elements Typo. Style
: Robert Bringhurst
Getting it Right w/Type: Victoria Squire

InDesign help (+google)
Read the InDesign How to Document.pdf 
Paragraph Styles
Charater Styles

Nov 15 :: Nov 20 :: Nov 27 :: Nov 29 :: Dec 4 :: Dec 7 :: Due Wed. Dec 13 at 3:00pm

name of your book, your name University of Kansas, 2023

(Colophon: Add to the beginning or end of the book.)
Designed by Your Name. Class project for Typographic Systems at the University of Kansas, 2023. The text was compiled from the following sources: Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst, Getting it Right with Type: the Do's and Don'ts of Typography by Victoria Square, Mac is Not A Typewriter by Robin Williams. This book is not to be sold to the public and to only be used by the designer for their reference and student design portfolio.

All the content below must be in your workbook. However you can organize it in any way you want. Each section can be a chapter or you can organize the content into groups and those become chapters.


01 rules check sheet
02 glossary of typographic rules

03 special characters
04 column width and hyphenation
05 hyphens and dashes  
06 quotes and apostrophes
07 kerning

08 figures and tabular tables
09 justification, letterspacing, word spacing
10 paragraph breaks

11 anatomy of type
12 typographic color
13 font classifications

The type workbook consists of a series of investigations you’ll be carrying out. The content ranges from typographic studies to type setting rules in typography. The Typographic Workbook project demands a significant amount of time and attention to detail. It is important that the workbook remains cohesive as a single document. As design professionals, your familiarity with the rules – or lack thereof – will be evident. Professionals can quickly gauge your grasp of typography by looking at your work. To secure and excel in the job you desire, it is crucial to master these rules and terms. While advanced classes deal with the broader aspects of typography, focusing on the big picture, this workbook delves into the finer details of typography. It's assumed at the end of this project that you're well-versed in this information and won't need a repeat coverage.

You will develop the look and feel of the workbook. All the content is provided and is divided into chapters. You must use all the content. Each section is accompanied by reference material. (see side bar)

Classtime will be dedicated to flowing in the chapters, changing to character styles and a summary of what the chapter is about. We will have time for questions, concerns ect during class come prepared. You will nee to design your workbook outside of class. Please package your file and put it on the google drive. I suggest you do it sooner than later an often for feedback. You'll also need to manage the project timeline independently. We have set milestones to guide you; some chapters will be quick and straightforward, while others might demand more time and effort.

You can seek inspiration from past examples, but avoid duplicating how others solved the problem. You need to read the content and determine what is important to you and what to call out. Your work should have its distinct identity. Essentially, you're crafting a personal typographic guide, a resource you can refer back to. Approach this task thoughtfully, allocate the necessary time, and meticulously attend to every detail.

_ solve communication problems within given parameters
_ macro- micro typography
_ present and assess work in a visually and verbally articulate manner
_ professionally document outcomes
_ demonstrate exemplary visual craft—hand and digital
_ advancing Adobe InDesign proficiency: grid, baseline grid, character style, paragraph styles

Website ::  Past Examples

ATTENTION TO DETAILFrom Shaping Text by Jan Middendorp "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and whether book or magazine 'looks good' is, to a large extent, a matter of taste. But beyond person preferences, it is certainly possible to recognize quality; to get a feel of a piece of text is harmoniously set, to pick out typesetting flaws (and correct them), to notice whether a text looks bland because that is what the designer wanted or because they never looked beyond the default settings or fonts that begin with 'A'." It is all in the details. There are several factors on which the appeal and functionality and accessibility may depend; Text formating: choice of type and body size in relation to other decisions: column width; various levels of text; headlines, subheads, introductions, pull quotes, footnotes, captions... Paragraph formating: Line length in relationship to line spacing (leading) and body size; indents and outdents; alignments (left, right, centered, justified; word spacing, etc. Microtypography: The attention to details -- the fine art of adjusting every detail to achieve typographic excellence on the smallest level.

Design professionals can easily discern whether you understand typography or not. A skilled designer can quickly gauge your proficiency just by looking at your typography work. Whether you're pursuing a career in traditional or digital design, it's crucial to grasp and excel in typographic rules, terminology, and application to secure and maintain the job you desire. While advanced classes tackle the broader aspects of typography, concentrating on the overarching concepts, this workbook delves into the finer details of typography. It's important to note that you should learn and retain this information, as it won't be revisited.

BASELINE GRID (also called the leading grid)
Many people call the baseline grid, the leading grid. It maybe easier to understand the baseline grid thinking about it as the leading grid. The key is the baseline grid is based on leading. The leading should be related (a multiple) of the baseline grid.

*You must use the baseline grid for your workbook. We are using a baseline grid of 4pts. That means you leading has to be a multiple of 4. 8pt leading, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 ect! If you don’t use the 5 column grid and the baseline grid for this project I can’t pass you for the project. Use the grid, snap to the baseline grid.

Paragraph and Character Styles
To keep your text consistant in the entire book you should use Paragraph Styles and Charater Styles. If you need to make changes to the font, size, leading, color, style you can change them all globally through Styles. If you don’t use Character styles for this project I can not pass you for the project.

This project revolves around mastering the rules and intricacies of typography. These principles will guide you in designing your book and seamlessly incorporating them into its content. Equally important is the concept of pacing, achieved by applying hierarchy through elements like size, contrast, placement, and organization, creating an inviting visual journey for the reader on each page.

Although the investigations themselves may appear uncomplicated, it's your implementation of these insights that will provide you with the ability to skillfully organize complex information in an elegant and easily understandable way. You'll utilize these abilities to emphasize essential content and manage a range of design elements, including titles, chapter pages, headers, captions, and page numbers.

The choices you make in terms of typeface, font size, weight, and color will determine whether the book emerges as a beautiful, elegant, and dynamic creation, or falls short of that mark. It's important to acknowledge that this project isn't a simple endeavor; it carries a level of complexity that demands your attention and skill.

Adobe InDesign (you must use Adobe InDesign, if you need help, just let me know)
. Using a Grid, Baseline Grid and Character Styles are all required, failure to use them will result in a failing grade)

Wookbook. Printed B/W Jayhawk Ink
Packaged File on the google drive
Behance post (make a selection of spreads)
no process book
*after the project is graded and you get feedback you can send it off to LULU but not before and not required

tools: Adobe InDesign
size print: 8.5in x 11in 
page count: unlimited so do not overcrowd pages fonts: typefaces of your choice, determined by investigation /by 4
color: full color
grid: 5 column (you will fight this just use it!)
output: final output will be digitally printed
*b/w version printed cheaply at Jayhawk is required for grading then you may send it off to LULU to get it printed for the Review


Below outlines what we are talking about and working on in class that day.

Wednesday, November 15 <- link for details
Intro to project
Typographic Color
Font Specs
Look and feel

Monday, November 20 <- link for details
Add Chapter Openings even if they are just place holder: do this with me in class (design them outside of class)

01 rules check sheet
02 glossary of typographic rules

03 special characters
04 column width and hyphenation
05 hyphens and dashes  
06 quotes and apostrophes
07 kerning

08 figures and tabular tables
09 justification, letterspacing, word spacing
10 paragraph breaks

11 anatomy of type
12 typographic color
13 font classifications

Typographic Rules Chapter
01 rules check sheet (flow text in, change to body text, subhead text, design pages for homework)
02 glossary of typographic rules (flow text in, change to body text, subhead text, design pages for homework)

Micro-Typography Chapter
03 special characters (flow text in, change to character styles, must use TABS to organize)

11 anatomy of type (flow text in, change to body text, subhead text, design pages for homework)

Monday, November 27

Micro-Typography Chapter
04 column width and hyphenation
05 hyphens and dashes  
06 quotes and apostrophes

Wednesday, Nov 29
Reference Chapter
13 font classification

Formatting Type Chapter
08 figures and tabular tables
09 justification, letterspacing, word spacing
10 paragraph breaks

Monday, December 4
Catch up and refine and create covers title pages and table of contents

Wednesday December 7
Refine and finish

Wednesday Dec 16 at 3:00pm