Wednesday, November 15
Inclass and Homework
Class 01
Google Drive
REFERENCE (use it)
Mac is Not a Typewriter (pdf)
Practical Typography by Matthew Butterick
Fontology by
Elements Typo. Style: Robert Bringhurst
Getting it Right w/Type: Victoria Squire
InDesign help (+google)
Read the InDesign How to Document.pdf
Paragraph Styles
Charater Styles
Oct 18 :: Oct 23 :: Oct 25 :: Oct 30
Nov 1 :: Nov 6 :: Nov 8 :: Nov 13 :: Nov 15
name of your book, your name University of Kansas, 2023
Add to the beginning or end of the book.
Designed by Your Name. Class project for Typographic Systems at the University of Kansas, 2023. The text was compiled from the following sources: Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst, Getting it Right with Type: the Do's and Don'ts of Typography by Victoria Square, Mac is Not A Typewriter by Robin Williams. This book is not to be sold to the public and to only be used by the designer for their reference and student design portfolio.
All the content below must be in your workbook. However you can organize it in any way you want. Each section can be a chapter or you can organize the content into groups and those become chapters.
01 rules check sheet
02 glossary of typographic rules
03 special characters
04 column width and hyphenation
05 hyphens and dashes
06 quotes and apostrophes
07 kerning
08 figures and tabular tables
09 justification, letterspacing, word spacing
10 paragraph breaks
11 anatomy of type
12 typographic color
13 font classifications14 glossary of terms (optional)
Before we start on the design of the workbook please review...Mac is Not a Typewriter (pdf) it has a lot of the content you are recreating and can give you a visual. Explore how this workbook site is set up. Each section has its own page with all the content, directions and reference links are at the top the page. Read them and click on them :)
Every class we will work on getting the chapters into your document, talk about the points and details and then you have to design them as homework. Please follow along and flow in the text when we are in class, if you wait you will be very behind. Be prepared to work in class every day. We will be in the lab you can use your computer or the lab computer whatever is best for you. I think the big screen is better but you decide your workflow.
Do this in class do not wait to do it has homework we will start it together.
1) Typographic Color. Find 6 serif typefaces and 6 san serif typefaces to use for the exercise. All should be typefaces appropriate for body text. based typefaces (you know look good as text. Use the Regular or Normal or Roman style.
︎︎︎Use this to find some font choices -> (required)
︎︎︎Use this document (will become part of your workbook) Save and print on 11 x17 next class.
2) Font spec pages. Create 1 different font spec sheet (and create 3 more as homework). Do one in class one in class so you are on the right track. You are looking for a nice font choice or font combination to set up your style sheets for the workbook.
︎︎︎Use this template to get you started on the right track. Save and print on 11 x17 next class.
You have 4 different tasks
1) Typographic Color (you should have finished this in class but if you didn’t you need to finish it as homework print them for class)
2) Font Spec (you should have done 1 in class you need to do 3 more. 3 total and print them for class),
3) Research. You will need to explore the look and feel of your workbook. (see below)
4) Chapter Opening Exploration (see below) (make sure you understand this before you leave)
3) Research. Develop 3 different ideas for the look and feel of your workbook.
︎︎︎11 x 17 print for class
Include: Name of the Movement/Theme/Spotlight/Featured “thing
Include: at least 6 images representing the movement/theme ( this is type class and you are graphic designers so think about what examples you are showing! example: DADA not this one, Futurism not this one)
Include: color palette for each direction
*Please Note: the images do not have to be copywriter-free. Please keep track of the URLS so you can credit the sources
Design History/Movement/Cannon
Bauhaus (new typography)
European Influencers
The Early Broadside (early advertising)
Deconstructivism (Crandbrook typography)
The New York School
New Wave
Swiss International Style
Data Visualization: Giorgia Lupi : W.E.B. Du Bois
Theme (for example)
Love for Sale
Ornamental Wood Type: more (anything from Archive would be interesing
Ghost Signs
Roadside America
Flickr Commons:
Bio Diversity Library:
Public Domain Review:
Library of Congress: on flikr
The New York Public Library:
The British Library:
National Archives:
Spotlight your favorite illustrator(s), designer, photographer (anything)
4) take your favorite idea and create chapter openings based on that theme
You are putting in to practice your idea. How does your look and feel translate into Chapter Openings?
example Chapater is called Typographic Rules, subchapters are Rules Checksheet and Glossary ofTypographic Rules. Create 2 - 3 different ideas on how you would design a chapter opening. Try it also with the second chapter Micro-typography.
01 rules check sheet
02 glossary of typographic rules
03 special characters
04 column width and hyphenation
05 hyphens and dashes
06 quotes and apostrophes
07 kerning