Final Font + Promotion
The rest of the semester will be spent on developing a typeface
with a fuller glyph set, including all uppercase, all lowercase,
numbers/figures, key punctuation and at least 4 diacritics. The first part of
the semester was spent learning the principles of type design, how to draw
glyphs, open type features, studies in construction and production. For the
final project you can pick up any of the projects you did earlier and finish
them out with a more complete glyph set or you can use what you have learned
and start something new. You decide what option is best for you.
Set overshoots
Create components
Create optical compensation in round letterforms , horizontal vs vertical strokes and diagonals
Set Cap height and/or ascender height
Look at glyphs in context.
Space letters as you design.
Kern is the last stage.
The final project gets a bit complicated because you all with be at different stages. The milestones are set for you to be able to stay on track and to focus class discussions and demos. You can work ahead but don't fall behind.
Tuesday, March 25
By April 8th
present to the class...
Using ___ that I started earlier in the semester or I am creating
something new...
Inspired to create this typeface because…
Typefaces that are similar to the typeface that I want to make it are ...
However, they don’t have these qualities that I want to have in my typeface...
My typeface will be different because...
Design by hand or in glyphs: HAMBERGERFONS or handglovesmurf. Get as far as you can and present what you are doing and where you are.
If you are starting with something you have started. Refine and make forms
consistent before moving forward.
Determine overshoots. (Set them now). Set your stroke widths. And space the
letters.Draw at least all the glyphs that use the diagonal
if you have started with caps draw the lowercase n (try 3 different x-heights
and character widths)
If you have started with the lowercase, draw the uppercase H. (try
different heights, different widths and compensate vertical vs horizontal
Print out all the letters, put them in words and randomly add the
n or H so we can see it in context.
Tuesday, April 8
Present and hand in glyhphs file
Crit letters. Define x-height or cap height.
Setting metrics, overshoots....
For the opposite case you have been working on design by hand or in glyphs: HAMBERGERFONS or handglovesmurf and try some diagonal letters ie. k, x, v, w, y
Plus look at the words FINE fine FLIP flip determine if you need the fi, fl, ffl, ffi ligatures.
Sketch some options for ! ? & (ref: designing type and . , : : ? ! )
Print out all the glyphs so far (use the proofs if they help), make sure to show us not only the letters but also in words and use some words that show us if you need fi, fl etc ligatures
Thursday, April 10
Crit where you are.
Stylistic Alternates
Open Type Features
Duplicating Glyphs
Keep adding glyphs.
Add the period, comma, semi-colon and colon. (tip: make them larger than you think you need to)
Sketch and design all the numbers. Have a couple options for each number.
Print out all the glyphs so far (use the proofs if they help), make sure to show us not only the letters but also in words
Tuesday, April 15
Intro promotion
*if you are going to want large sheets of paper we need to know by next Monday.
Show and tell previous promotion pieces.
Meet with your team and develop concepts, ideas and at least 2 different formats for promotional piece. Be prepared to present next Wed.
Keep adding and refining glyphs.
Design and draw numbers 2, 3, 5, 8 (proportional tabular or a lining.)
Make sure you are letterspacing as you are working.
Print out all the glyphs so far (use the proofs if they help), make sure to show us not only the letters but also in words
Thursday, April 17
Lecture on accent marks/diacritics. 4 diacritics (accent marks ü, é, ñ...)
-> VIDEO Tutorial in class
Choose 4 accent marks you can do the acute and grave accent marks they are the same mark just flipped. Pick 4 if you want to do more fine but I am only requiring 4.
Draw them over a lowercase letter to test them out.
Under Marks Legacy add all
Delete the ones you are not making
Duplicate them all and change the name to end in
comb = acutecomb ect
Duplicate all the comb and change .001 to .case =
Accent marks are composites.
acute = the glyph if you wanted to just type the accent mark/diacritic
acutecomb = is the accent mark that will be automatically added to all lowercase letters = is the accent mark that will be automatically added to all the uppercase letters.
We will using the comb version as the outline and the other 2 will use components
SAVE AS. You man not like what happens today so save as!
Starting with 1 accent mark
In the COMB
Add it as a component to the other 2
Save (if you didn’t save as before do it this time)
Glyph -> Set Anchors or Command U
Select all glyphs and set anchors
Create Composite
Edit but be very careful when editing only move the anchor for the letter or the accent mark
Add Latin Core
Delete what you don’t want to make.
Create diacritics, refine, set them in place.
Keep adding and refining glyphs
Add all numbers/figures
Check in with your team about promo piece and be prepared to present your ideas/progress to the class on Wed.
Make sure you are letterspacing as you are working.
Print out all the glyphs so far (use the proofs if they help), make sure to show us not only the letters but also in words
Tuesday, April 22
Present promotion ideas, concepts, status...
Keep adding and refining glyphs
Add more punctuation “ ” ‘ ’. : ; ! ? @ & * { } ( ) (ref: Designing: * , @, ® :: Quote Marks :: Brackets
Print a full proof.
Wednesday, April 23
Crit and workday
Keep adding and refining glyphs.
Check in with your team about promo piece and be prepared to present your ideas/progress to the class on Wed.
Thursday, April 24
Present promotion ideas, concepts, status...
Lecture kerning pairs.
*First you to have your kerning correct for all your letters. Type out in words. Use the Proof to check letter by letter. THEN do the kerning pairs -- they are the last thing to do. Do not make kerning pairs if your letterspacing isn't corrected first.
Adding and refine glyphs.
Work on promotion.
*Portfolio. It isn't required that you put type design into your portfolio but if you are thinking about it please take a stab at how it would look online and how you could present it in a pdf in an interview.
Tuesday, April 29
All the glyphs should be drawn. The rest of the time is refining, testing, spacing and kerning.
Refine glyphs.
Work on promotion.
(Prepare your files so you can package it when you hand it in)
Work on presentation for your final font. Final PDF will be due and you should want to show it (and maybe other projects on your website)
Thursday, May 1
Present promotion.
Refining and finishing everything.
Rick’s PlacePlease put everything for the final in one folder on the class google drive.
1) Hand-in final font as directed for all projects with the addition of a pdf of Super proof.
2) Promotional Experience. Printed
3) AND!!! Please package your promotional piece so I have the file, all the assets and the pdf... (I won’t be able to give you an A if you don’t turn it in :)