The recently gutted warehouse space was transformed into a working community bike shop call 2524 Raven Riders, East Palo Alto, CA
Live in Peace a non-profit organization in East Palo Alto, CA needed to establish a creative common place for the bottom 1% of the community youth. An interdisciplinary team of students lived and worked on site for two weeks during winter session. They built-out a bike shop including benches, painting and constructed a brand that promoted creativity, unity, safety and promos the the East Palo Alto's community.
The raven serves as the mark to reestablish the community's lost mascot due to the closure of East Palo Alto's only public high school. The name of the maker space uses the address 2524 Plugas Avenue, allowing the flexibility in the naming system for the non-profit to use moving forward as they expand.

Award: AIGA KC 15 and Judges Choice
“There is nothing more uninspiring in the design world than to simply slap a logo on the front of everything and call it a day. Brands are not a logo. They are a visual brand language that consists of many parts and pieces that all hang together by some sort of thread. 2524 Maker's Space is one of those brands that has a deep toolbox full of parts of pieces and it is so exciting to see all that was created with it. Multiple logos, type lock-ups, a simplified color palette and an explosion of creativity that all somehow holds together. While the thread might be stretched in this instance, I absolutely love everything about it!” – Joseph Duffy, Duffy

KU Visual Communication Design Students:
Lauren Hakmiller, Skyler Baker, Sam Billman
Andrea Herstowski, Lance Rake, Alex Anderson and John Bielenberg
Since the opening of the bike shop. Live in Peace has been able to give out for free over 250 bikes to the community. A bicycle can be brought in for repairs or trade-ins. Monthy rides around the area build a healthier community. The shop has been able to train several high school students to be bike mechanics. Follow @lipbikeshop on instagram to catch up on what they are doing next. The project could not have been possible without the help from all the Lve in Peace team. A special thanks to Heather Starnes-Logwood and Eugene Jackson.