office hours by appointment
Anh Can
Anna Matuella
Ben Hoepner
Emily Capling
Erin Bugee
Ethan Haskins
Grace Goga
Grace Palmer
Kelley McQuillen
Londyn Adams
Naomi Shultz
google doc: KU grads websites
office hours by appointment
Anh Can
Anna Matuella
Ben Hoepner
Emily Capling
Erin Bugee
Ethan Haskins
Grace Goga
Grace Palmer
Kelley McQuillen
Londyn Adams
Naomi Shultz
google doc: KU grads websites
In today's market, you must have a current online presence. It is the first thing professionals see. The work and writing determine if they want to invite you in for an interview. It is the first (and lasting) impression. Your professional website can't be the first one you have coded. If you don't have the skillset then use a template that allows you to customize it easily to something that is clean, clear, easy to navigate, and works cross-platform. Behance is an acceptable option.
There is not a magic number of projects to have on your website. The only guideline is it has to be your strongest work. 6 strong projects are more effective than 12 projects where some are great and some are ok. Use the portfolio reviews and mentors during the year to get feedback. Use the year to add great projects/experiences/workshops/blitzes/case studies to add to your portfolio.
“In an ocean of Squarespace sites and Behance portfolios, it can be easy to forget that there are limitless ways to represent your work. Not all of them require custom coding, or even fancy images. In fact, some of the most compelling portfolios we’ve seen use what you could call “off-the-rack” solutions that designers have taken advantage of to bring a fresh perspective to presenting work. Learn more about how four designers pulled together their portfolios.“ Read: theres-more-than-one-way-to-share-your-work/
Check out the template sites and create a list of pros and cons
webflow.com (learning curve)
cargocollective.com (we have a code for this to be free)
*if you want a specific workshop on any of these options -- you have to just let us know.
cargo has lots of Support :: Type Network
Look closely at all the template options and test a few out. Write down some pros and cons for each option
EXPLORE at least 3 different ways to present it online. If you can’t save them then take screen shots so we can talk about which design is better. Taking your behance post and just putting it up on a different site is not enough, this is a lot of work but it will be worth it.
Think about how you want to show off the project
How do you want to talk about it:
Project description
Will you talk about the audience?
Will you talk about brand attributes for each project?
Include BrandBoard/Toolkit/ and or Moodboard?
What combination of mock-ups and photography
When exploring options you can use “placeholders", will help you and others visualize your vision!
How do you show details?
How will you show the process? Will you or is that for an in-person interview.
How you show your project and talk about your project is what will make it stand out from the crowd.
*think about how you will show projects online vs talking about them in person.
︎︎︎Creating an Interview Portfolio or a pdf Presentation
Website: Your online presence
In today's market, you must have a current online presence. It is the first thing professionals see. The work and writing determine if they want to invite you in for an interview. It is the first (and lasting) impression. Your professional website can't be the first one you have coded. If you don't have the skillset then use a template that allows you to customize it easily to something that is clean, clear, easy to navigate, and works cross-platform. Behance is an acceptable option.
There is not a magic number of projects to have on your website. The only guideline is it has to be your strongest work. 6 strong projects are more effective than 12 projects where some are great and some are ok. Use the portfolio reviews and mentors during the year to get feedback. Use the year to add great projects/experiences/workshops/blitzes/case studies to add to your portfolio.
“In an ocean of Squarespace sites and Behance portfolios, it can be easy to forget that there are limitless ways to represent your work. Not all of them require custom coding, or even fancy images. In fact, some of the most compelling portfolios we’ve seen use what you could call “off-the-rack” solutions that designers have taken advantage of to bring a fresh perspective to presenting work. Learn more about how four designers pulled together their portfolios.“ Read: theres-more-than-one-way-to-share-your-work/
Check out the template sites and create a list of pros and cons
webflow.com (learning curve)
cargocollective.com (we have a code for this to be free)
*if you want a specific workshop on any of these options -- you have to just let us know.
cargo has lots of Support :: Type Network

How to get started...
Look closely at all the template options and test a few out. Write down some pros and cons for each option
EXPLORE at least 3 different ways to present it online. If you can’t save them then take screen shots so we can talk about which design is better. Taking your behance post and just putting it up on a different site is not enough, this is a lot of work but it will be worth it.
Think about how you want to show off the project
How do you want to talk about it:
Project description
Will you talk about the audience?
Will you talk about brand attributes for each project?
Include BrandBoard/Toolkit/ and or Moodboard?
What combination of mock-ups and photography
When exploring options you can use “placeholders", will help you and others visualize your vision!
How do you show details?
How will you show the process? Will you or is that for an in-person interview.
How you show your project and talk about your project is what will make it stand out from the crowd.
*think about how you will show projects online vs talking about them in person.
︎︎︎Creating an Interview Portfolio or a pdf Presentation